[2024-09-22 10:35:50] The number of successful return: 2; Number of times to send commands: 2; Success rate: 100% [2024-09-22 10:35:59] Send: ^P006Q3GS098 [2024-09-22 10:35:59] [135ms] Return: ^D006NAK ³ [2024-09-22 10:36:01] Send: ^P006Q3GS098 [2024-09-22 10:36:01] [203ms] Return: ^D006NAK ³ [2024-09-22 10:36:02] The number of successful return: 2; Number of times to send commands: 2; Success rate: 100% [2024-09-22 10:36:09] Send: ^P006QPI046 [2024-09-22 10:36:09] [147ms] Return: ^D006NAK ³ [2024-09-22 10:36:11] Send: ^P006QPI046 [2024-09-22 10:36:11] [196ms] Return: ^D006NAK ³ [2024-09-22 10:36:12] The number of successful return: 2; Number of times to send commands: 2; Success rate: 100% [2024-09-22 10:36:41] Send: ^P007QGS1 [2024-09-22 10:36:41] [637ms] Return: ^D130228.0,231.9,232.3,50.0,220.0,219.8,219.7,010.3,009.8,006.2,50.0,220.0,219.8,219.7,50.0,004.0,003.1,000.5,228.3,50.0,231.7,232.4Q/ [2024-09-22 10:36:43] Send: ^P007QGS1 [2024-09-22 10:36:44] [697ms] Return: ^D130227.8,231.6,232.1,50.0,219.7,219.8,219.4,010.3,009.8,006.3,50.0,219.7,219.8,219.4,50.0,004.0,003.1,000.5,228.1,50.0,231.5,232.2tû [2024-09-22 10:36:46] Send: ^P007QGS1 [2024-09-22 10:36:47] [686ms] Return: ^D130227.9,231.7,232.2,50.0,220.1,220.0,219.9,010.3,009.9,006.2,50.0,220.1,220.0,219.9,50.0,004.1,003.2,000.5,228.1,50.0,231.6,232.2¹Â [2024-09-22 10:36:49] Send: ^P007QGS1 [2024-09-22 10:36:49] [695ms] Return: ^D130227.9,231.8,232.2,50.0,219.4,219.5,219.4,010.3,009.8,006.2,50.0,219.4,219.5,219.4,50.0,003.9,003.1,000.5,228.2,50.0,231.6,232.3| [2024-09-22 10:36:51] The number of successful return: 4; Number of times to send commands: 4; Success rate: 100% [2024-09-22 10:36:56] Send: ^P007QGS1097 [2024-09-22 10:36:56] [134ms] Return: ^D006NAK ³ [2024-09-22 10:36:58] Send: ^P007QGS1097 [2024-09-22 10:36:58] [197ms] Return: ^D006NAK ³ [2024-09-22 10:37:00] Send: ^P007QGS1097 [2024-09-22 10:37:01] The number of successful return: 2; Number of times to send commands: 3; Success rate: 66% [2024-09-22 10:37:01] [180ms] Return: ^D006NAK ³ [2024-09-22 10:37:11] Send: ^P007QGS1 [2024-09-22 10:37:11] [633ms] Return: ^D130228.3,232.0,231.4,50.0,219.7,219.6,219.7,010.4,009.8,006.2,50.0,219.7,219.6,219.7,50.0,004.1,003.0,000.5,228.6,50.0,231.9,231.4$[ [2024-09-22 10:37:13] Send: ^P007QGS1 [2024-09-22 10:37:14] [685ms] Return: ^D130228.0,231.8,232.1,50.0,219.9,219.9,219.9,010.4,009.8,006.3,50.0,219.9,219.9,219.9,50.0,004.1,003.1,000.5,228.2,50.0,231.6,232.1]. [2024-09-22 10:37:16] Send: ^P007QGS1 [2024-09-22 10:37:17] The number of successful return: 2; Number of times to send commands: 3; Success rate: 66% [2024-09-22 10:37:17] [692ms] Return: ^D130228.0,231.7,232.1,50.0,220.1,220.8,220.0,010.3,009.9,006.2,50.0,220.1,220.8,220.0,50.0,004.0,003.2,000.5,228.3,50.0,231.6,232.2¿ [2024-09-22 10:37:21] Send: ^P007QGS2 [2024-09-22 10:37:22] [650ms] Return: ^D12303,396.7,409.2,394.2,381.0,380.3,381.4,00663,00434,00000,00879,00703,00110,008,006,001,008,404.8,405.1,+00.2,+00.0,+01.7´ø [2024-09-22 10:37:24] Send: ^P007QGS2 [2024-09-22 10:37:24] [590ms] Return: ^D12303,395.5,409.7,394.7,380.5,380.3,381.0,00643,00420,00000,00856,00681,00109,008,006,001,008,405.3,405.2,+00.2,+00.0,+01.8›/ [2024-09-22 10:37:26] Send: ^P007QGS2 [2024-09-22 10:37:27] [590ms] Return: ^D12303,395.7,409.8,394.8,381.3,380.2,381.3,00677,00433,00000,00902,00703,00109,008,006,001,008,404.8,405.1,+00.1,-00.1,+01.6Ao [2024-09-22 10:37:27] The number of successful return: 3; Number of times to send commands: 3; Success rate: 100% [2024-09-22 10:38:26] Send: ^P007QGS1 [2024-09-22 10:38:27] [704ms] Return: ^D130227.9,231.7,232.3,50.0,219.8,220.0,220.0,010.3,009.8,006.2,50.0,219.8,220.0,220.0,50.0,004.0,003.2,000.5,228.1,50.0,231.6,232.3ß [2024-09-22 10:38:29] Send: ^P007QGS1 [2024-09-22 10:38:29] [709ms] Return: ^D130227.9,231.7,232.3,50.0,220.7,220.0,220.6,010.3,009.9,006.2,50.0,220.7,220.0,220.6,50.0,004.0,003.2,000.5,228.2,50.0,231.6,232.3”Ï [2024-09-22 10:38:31] Send: ^P007QGS1 [2024-09-22 10:38:32] [675ms] Return: ^D130228.0,231.7,232.3,50.0,220.0,220.0,220.0,010.3,009.9,006.2,50.0,220.0,220.0,220.0,50.0,004.0,003.2,000.5,228.3,50.0,231.6,232.3DÞ [2024-09-22 10:38:34] Send: ^P007QGS1 [2024-09-22 10:38:35] [681ms] Return: ^D130228.0,231.7,232.2,50.0,220.1,219.9,220.1,010.4,009.9,006.2,50.0,220.1,219.9,220.1,50.0,004.1,003.2,000.5,228.3,50.0,231.5,232.3Õâ [2024-09-22 10:38:37] Send: ^P007QGS1 [2024-09-22 10:38:38] [683ms] Return: ^D130227.9,231.7,232.2,50.0,220.0,219.6,220.1,010.4,009.8,006.1,50.0,220.0,219.6,220.1,50.0,004.1,003.1,000.4,228.3,50.0,231.6,232.3Ÿb [2024-09-22 10:38:40] Send: ^P007QGS1 [2024-09-22 10:38:40] [689ms] Return: ^D130228.8,232.7,233.2,50.0,220.2,220.0,220.0,010.4,009.9,006.2,50.0,220.2,220.0,220.0,50.0,004.1,003.2,000.5,229.1,50.0,232.6,233.3ᯠ[2024-09-22 10:38:42] Send: ^P007QGS1 [2024-09-22 10:38:43] [708ms] Return: ^D130228.8,232.7,233.1,50.0,219.4,219.5,219.7,010.3,009.8,006.2,50.0,219.4,219.5,219.7,50.0,003.9,003.0,000.5,229.1,50.0,232.6,233.22÷ [2024-09-22 10:38:44] The number of successful return: 7; Number of times to send commands: 7; Success rate: 100% [2024-09-22 10:38:49] Send: ^P007QGS2 [2024-09-22 10:38:49] [624ms] Return: ^D12303,396.9,411.6,396.2,381.2,380.8,381.6,00667,00436,00000,00901,00704,00110,008,006,001,008,405.0,405.1,+00.2,+00.0,+01.8Êz [2024-09-22 10:38:51] Send: ^P007QGS2 [2024-09-22 10:38:52] [596ms] Return: ^D12303,396.8,411.6,396.2,381.0,380.5,381.5,00654,00412,00000,00879,00681,00109,008,006,001,008,405.2,405.1,+00.2,+00.1,+01.7øº [2024-09-22 10:38:54] Send: ^P007QGS2 [2024-09-22 10:38:55] [678ms] Return: ^D12303,396.8,411.4,396.0,381.5,380.4,381.6,00674,00421,00001,00902,00703,00110,008,006,000,008,404.8,405.1,+00.1,+00.0,+01.5‡ [2024-09-22 10:38:57] Send: ^P007QGS2 [2024-09-22 10:38:57] [684ms] Return: ^D12303,396.7,411.5,396.1,381.5,380.7,381.7,00681,00425,00000,00902,00682,00110,008,006,000,008,405.3,405.1,+00.1,+00.0,+01.8Aå [2024-09-22 10:38:59] Send: ^P007QGS2 [2024-09-22 10:39:00] [601ms] Return: ^D12303,397.0,411.6,396.2,381.6,380.4,381.9,00684,00414,00000,00924,00703,00088,009,006,000,009,405.1,405.1,+00.1,+00.0,+01.6& [2024-09-22 10:39:02] Send: ^P007QGS2 [2024-09-22 10:39:03] [678ms] Return: ^D12303,397.1,411.7,396.2,381.3,381.1,381.6,00682,00412,00000,00902,00684,00110,009,006,001,009,404.8,405.1,+00.2,+00.1,+01.8* [2024-09-22 10:39:03] The number of successful return: 6; Number of times to send commands: 6; Success rate: 100% [2024-09-22 10:39:23] Send: ^P008PEPD? [2024-09-22 10:39:23] [193ms] Return: ^D023A0,B0,C1,D0,E0,F1,Z1ØÒ [2024-09-22 10:39:25] Send: ^P008PEPD? [2024-09-22 10:39:25] [181ms] Return: ^D023A0,B0,C1,D0,E0,F1,Z1ØÒ [2024-09-22 10:39:27] Send: ^P008PEPD? [2024-09-22 10:39:28] [188ms] Return: ^D023A0,B0,C1,D0,E0,F1,Z1ØÒ [2024-09-22 10:39:30] Send: ^P008PEPD? [2024-09-22 10:39:30] [188ms] Return: ^D023A0,B0,C1,D0,E0,F1,Z1ØÒ [2024-09-22 10:39:31] The number of successful return: 4; Number of times to send commands: 4; Success rate: 100% [2024-09-22 10:39:52] Send: ^P008SGVL? [2024-09-22 10:39:52] [136ms] Return: ^D010280,165O [2024-09-22 10:39:54] Send: ^P008SGVL? [2024-09-22 10:39:54] [191ms] Return: ^D010280,165O [2024-09-22 10:39:56] Send: ^P008SGVL? [2024-09-22 10:39:57] [193ms] Return: ^D010280,165O [2024-09-22 10:39:58] The number of successful return: 3; Number of times to send commands: 3; Success rate: 100% [2024-09-22 10:40:56] Send: ^P008SGFL? [2024-09-22 10:40:56] [213ms] Return: ^D01254.0,46.0çc [2024-09-22 10:40:58] Send: ^P008SGFL? [2024-09-22 10:40:58] [196ms] Return: ^D01254.0,46.0çc [2024-09-22 10:41:00] Send: ^P008SGFL? [2024-09-22 10:41:01] [179ms] Return: ^D01254.0,46.0çc [2024-09-22 10:41:03] Send: ^P008SGFL? [2024-09-22 10:41:03] [192ms] Return: ^D01254.0,46.0çc [2024-09-22 10:41:03] The number of successful return: 4; Number of times to send commands: 4; Success rate: 100% [2024-09-22 10:41:30] Send: ^P008SBVL? [2024-09-22 10:41:30] [188ms] Return: ^D010264,176Eç [2024-09-22 10:41:32] Send: ^P008SBVL? [2024-09-22 10:41:32] [200ms] Return: ^D010264,176Eç [2024-09-22 10:41:34] Send: ^P008SBVL? [2024-09-22 10:41:35] [175ms] Return: ^D010264,176Eç [2024-09-22 10:41:36] The number of successful return: 3; Number of times to send commands: 3; Success rate: 100% [2024-09-22 10:41:42] Send: ^P008SBFL? [2024-09-22 10:41:42] [178ms] Return: ^D01254.0,46.0çc [2024-09-22 10:41:44] Send: ^P008SBFL? [2024-09-22 10:41:44] [174ms] Return: ^D01254.0,46.0çc [2024-09-22 10:41:46] Send: ^P008SBFL? [2024-09-22 10:41:46] [188ms] Return: ^D01254.0,46.0çc [2024-09-22 10:41:47] The number of successful return: 3; Number of times to send commands: 3; Success rate: 100% [2024-09-22 10:42:00] Send: ^P008SEVL? [2024-09-22 10:42:00] [152ms] Return: ^D010235,205\ [2024-09-22 10:42:02] Send: ^P008SEVL? [2024-09-22 10:42:02] [191ms] Return: ^D010235,205\ [2024-09-22 10:42:04] Send: ^P008SEVL? [2024-09-22 10:42:05] [192ms] Return: ^D010235,205\ [2024-09-22 10:42:05] The number of successful return: 3; Number of times to send commands: 3; Success rate: 100% [2024-09-22 10:42:10] Send: ^P008SEFL? [2024-09-22 10:42:10] [211ms] Return: ^D01252.0,48.0|© [2024-09-22 10:42:12] Send: ^P008SEFL? [2024-09-22 10:42:12] [186ms] Return: ^D01252.0,48.0|© [2024-09-22 10:42:14] Send: ^P008SEFL? [2024-09-22 10:42:14] [189ms] Return: ^D01252.0,48.0|© [2024-09-22 10:42:15] The number of successful return: 3; Number of times to send commands: 3; Success rate: 100% [2024-09-22 10:42:26] Send: ^P008BATN? [2024-09-22 10:42:26] [103ms] Return: ^D00530Üi [2024-09-22 10:42:28] Send: ^P008BATN? [2024-09-22 10:42:28] [99ms] Return: ^D00530Üi [2024-09-22 10:42:30] Send: ^P008BATN? [2024-09-22 10:42:30] [181ms] Return: ^D00530Üi [2024-09-22 10:42:32] Send: ^P008BATN? [2024-09-22 10:42:32] [182ms] Return: ^D00530Üi [2024-09-22 10:42:34] Send: ^P008BATN? [2024-09-22 10:42:34] [100ms] Return: ^D00530Üi [2024-09-22 10:42:35] The number of successful return: 5; Number of times to send commands: 5; Success rate: 100% [2024-09-22 10:43:33] Send: ^P009QCHGMS [2024-09-22 10:43:33] [223ms] Return: ^D01913.5,13.5,10,000Ib [2024-09-22 10:43:35] Send: ^P009QCHGMS [2024-09-22 10:43:35] [193ms] Return: ^D01913.5,13.5,10,000Ib [2024-09-22 10:43:37] Send: ^P009QCHGMS [2024-09-22 10:43:37] [191ms] Return: ^D01913.5,13.5,10,000Ib [2024-09-22 10:43:39] Send: ^P009QCHGMS [2024-09-22 10:43:39] [210ms] Return: ^D01913.5,13.5,10,000Ib [2024-09-22 10:43:40] The number of successful return: 4; Number of times to send commands: 4; Success rate: 100% [2024-09-22 10:43:52] Send: ^P007OPF? [2024-09-22 10:43:52] [196ms] Return: ^D00550vÏ [2024-09-22 10:43:54] Send: ^P007OPF? [2024-09-22 10:43:54] [171ms] Return: ^D00550vÏ [2024-09-22 10:43:56] Send: ^P007OPF? [2024-09-22 10:43:56] [186ms] Return: ^D00550vÏ [2024-09-22 10:43:58] The number of successful return: 3; Number of times to send commands: 3; Success rate: 100% [2024-09-22 10:44:22] Send: ^P008BCAP? [2024-09-22 10:44:22] [188ms] Return: ^D006200ùN [2024-09-22 10:44:24] Send: ^P008BCAP? [2024-09-22 10:44:25] [179ms] Return: ^D006200ùN [2024-09-22 10:44:27] Send: ^P008BCAP? [2024-09-22 10:44:27] [180ms] Return: ^D006200ùN [2024-09-22 10:44:29] Send: ^P008BCAP? [2024-09-22 10:44:29] [183ms] Return: ^D006200ùN [2024-09-22 10:44:30] The number of successful return: 4; Number of times to send commands: 4; Success rate: 100% [2024-09-22 10:45:21] Send: ^P008BGRP? [2024-09-22 10:45:21] [129ms] Return: ^D00501™ [2024-09-22 10:45:23] Send: ^P008BGRP? [2024-09-22 10:45:23] [183ms] Return: ^D00501™ [2024-09-22 10:45:25] Send: ^P008BGRP? [2024-09-22 10:45:25] [206ms] Return: ^D00501™ [2024-09-22 10:45:27] Send: ^P008BGRP? [2024-09-22 10:45:28] [179ms] Return: ^D00501™ [2024-09-22 10:45:28] The number of successful return: 4; Number of times to send commands: 4; Success rate: 100% [2024-09-22 10:46:39] Send: ^P008USID? [2024-09-22 10:46:40] [204ms] Return: ^D01509,700000000¦e [2024-09-22 10:46:42] Send: ^P008USID? [2024-09-22 10:46:42] [192ms] Return: ^D01509,700000000¦e [2024-09-22 10:46:44] Send: ^P008USID? [2024-09-22 10:46:44] [200ms] Return: ^D01509,700000000¦e [2024-09-22 10:46:46] Send: ^P008USID? [2024-09-22 10:46:46] [175ms] Return: ^D01509,700000000¦e [2024-09-22 10:46:47] The number of successful return: 4; Number of times to send commands: 4; Success rate: 100% [2024-09-22 10:47:23] Send: ^P007QVER [2024-09-22 10:47:23] [236ms] Return: ^D0202008290A,0000000X~n [2024-09-22 10:47:25] Send: ^P007QVER [2024-09-22 10:47:26] [185ms] Return: ^D0202008290A,0000000X~n [2024-09-22 10:47:28] Send: ^P007QVER [2024-09-22 10:47:28] [190ms] Return: ^D0202008290A,0000000X~n [2024-09-22 10:47:29] The number of successful return: 3; Number of times to send commands: 3; Success rate: 100% [2024-09-22 10:48:02] Send: ^P008QPIWS [2024-09-22 10:48:02] [338ms] Return: ^D0420000,0000,0000,0000,0000,0000,0000,0000\Ž [2024-09-22 10:48:04] Send: ^P008QPIWS [2024-09-22 10:48:04] [280ms] Return: ^D0420000,0000,0000,0000,0000,0000,0000,0000\Ž [2024-09-22 10:48:06] Send: ^P008QPIWS [2024-09-22 10:48:07] [301ms] Return: ^D0420000,0000,0000,0000,0000,0000,0000,0000\Ž [2024-09-22 10:48:09] Send: ^P008QPIWS [2024-09-22 10:48:09] [279ms] Return: ^D0420000,0000,0000,0000,0000,0000,0000,0000\Ž [2024-09-22 10:48:10] The number of successful return: 4; Number of times to send commands: 4; Success rate: 100% [2024-09-22 10:48:24] Send: ^P007QCHG [2024-09-22 10:48:25] [271ms] Return: ^D037405.1,405.1,00.0,00000,+030,02,100›Ë [2024-09-22 10:48:27] Send: ^P007QCHG [2024-09-22 10:48:27] [274ms] Return: ^D037404.9,405.1,00.0,00000,+030,02,100Šu [2024-09-22 10:48:29] Send: ^P007QCHG [2024-09-22 10:48:29] [291ms] Return: ^D037404.7,405.1,00.0,00000,+030,02,100ôÏ [2024-09-22 10:48:31] Send: ^P007QCHG [2024-09-22 10:48:31] [285ms] Return: ^D037405.2,405.2,00.1,00000,+030,02,100 ð [2024-09-22 10:48:33] Send: ^P007QCHG [2024-09-22 10:48:34] [291ms] Return: ^D037405.0,405.1,00.0,00000,+030,02,100’Ô [2024-09-22 10:48:34] The number of successful return: 5; Number of times to send commands: 5; Success rate: 100% [2024-09-22 10:48:53] Send: ^P010QFAULTn [2024-09-22 10:48:54] [135ms] Return: ^D006NAK ³ [2024-09-22 10:48:56] Send: ^P010QFAULTn [2024-09-22 10:48:56] [192ms] Return: ^D006NAK ³ [2024-09-22 10:48:57] The number of successful return: 2; Number of times to send commands: 2; Success rate: 100% [2024-09-22 10:49:36] Send: ^P007QSTU [2024-09-22 10:49:37] [226ms] Return: ^D03201,01,01,00000,00000,00,00,01ÊJ [2024-09-22 10:49:39] Send: ^P007QSTU [2024-09-22 10:49:39] [290ms] Return: ^D03201,01,01,00000,00000,00,00,01ÊJ [2024-09-22 10:49:41] Send: ^P007QSTU [2024-09-22 10:49:41] [292ms] Return: ^D03201,01,01,00000,00000,00,00,01ÊJ [2024-09-22 10:49:43] Send: ^P007QSTU [2024-09-22 10:49:44] [310ms] Return: ^D03201,01,01,00000,00000,00,00,01ÊJ [2024-09-22 10:49:44] The number of successful return: 4; Number of times to send commands: 4; Success rate: 100% [2024-09-22 10:49:53] Send: ^P008BATT? [2024-09-22 10:49:53] [203ms] Return: ^D006060=ˆ [2024-09-22 10:49:55] Send: ^P008BATT? [2024-09-22 10:49:56] [173ms] Return: ^D006060=ˆ [2024-09-22 10:49:58] Send: ^P008BATT? [2024-09-22 10:49:58] [191ms] Return: ^D006060=ˆ [2024-09-22 10:50:00] Send: ^P008BATT? [2024-09-22 10:50:00] [102ms] Return: ^D006060=ˆ [2024-09-22 10:50:01] The number of successful return: 4; Number of times to send commands: 4; Success rate: 100%